AWS Practice Exams | AWS Exam Simulator
Experience interactive AWS practice exams with real certification questions, powered by the most advanced AWS exam simulator engine.
Flexible AWS Exam Simulator
Exam or Practice
Select 'Exam Mode' to experience a simulation identical to the real AWS official exam, or Customize your practice by adjusting parameters such as exam scope, duration, number and type of questions, access to tips, instant answers, or the scoring algorithm.
Custom Exam Scope
Targeted practicing
In practice mode, tailor your exam scope to specific domains to concentrate on unfamiliar areas, maximizing efficiency by not revisiting concepts you already know.
Detailed Explanations
Learn as You Go
In practice mode, you benefit from immediate feedback on every question and access to detailed explanations for each answer. This approach not only saves time but also transforms your practice sessions into a highly effective learning experience, allowing you to absorb more information efficiently.
Post-Exam Reviews
After submitting your practice exam, we'll schedule review sessions (repetitions) for concepts you're not yet familiar with, ensuring you can revisit and master them over time.
Detailed Results
Find Your Weak Points
We provide detailed information on how you performed during your exam session, giving you the opportunity to understand which domain you should focus on before your real exam.
Unique sessions
Full Compliance
Every practice exam session offers a unique experience, thanks to our questions randomization algorithm. Regardless, the question domains and tasks remain fully compliant with the official exam specifications or align with your chosen exam scope in a customized practice setup.
Large database of questions
Based on official AWS exams
Over 20,000 verified questions to match those found in actual certification exams. This unmatched collection is accessible for free, supported by the customizable practice exam engine.
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