Arch_Amazon Aurora_64 image

Icon source: AWS

Amazon Aurora

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is Amazon Aurora

Amazon Aurora is a fully managed relational database service by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that is designed to be compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL while offering the performance and availability of commercial databases with improved scalability, durability, and security.

Key Amazon Aurora Features

Amazon Aurora is a highly scalable, durable, and secure fully managed relational database with MySQL and PostgreSQL compatibility, offering superior performance, automated backups, easy monitoring, and recovery features.

Amazon Aurora Use Cases

Amazon Aurora is employed for hosting web and SaaS applications, analytics, e-commerce systems, gaming databases, legacy database migrations, and disaster recovery, highlighting its high performance, scalability, and availability.

Services Amazon Aurora integrates with

Amazon Aurora pricing models

Amazon Aurora offers pricing models including On-Demand Instances, Reserved Instances, Aurora Serverless with pay-per-use, and charges for additional storage and I/O usage.