Arch_Amazon Aurora_64 image

Icon source: AWS

Amazon Aurora Serverless

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is Amazon Aurora Serverless

Amazon Aurora Serverless is an on-demand, auto-scaling configuration for the Amazon Aurora database that automatically adjusts computing resources based on application demand, optimizing both performance and cost.

Key Amazon Aurora Serverless Features

Amazon Aurora Serverless provides on-demand autoscaling, a pay-per-use cost model, seamless capacity management, high availability, compatibility with MySQL and PostgreSQL, instant scaling for peak loads, automatic pausing/resuming, AWS integration, enhanced security, and ease of setup and management.

Amazon Aurora Serverless Use Cases

Amazon Aurora Serverless is ideal for on-demand applications, development and testing environments, handling unexpected workloads, simplifying database operations, and supporting microservices architectures by offering automatic scaling, cost savings, and reduced operational management.

Services Amazon Aurora Serverless integrates with

Amazon Aurora Serverless pricing models

Amazon Aurora Serverless pricing includes pay-per-use ACU consumption, auto-scaling costs, data transfer fees, storage and I/O charges, and fees for additional backups and snapshots.