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Icon source: AWS

Amazon CodeGuru

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is Amazon CodeGuru

Amazon CodeGuru is a machine learning-powered service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that automatically reviews code for bugs and suggests optimizations to improve performance and reduce costs for developers.

Key Amazon CodeGuru Features

Amazon CodeGuru is a developer tool that provides automated code reviews for identifying critical issues, real-time performance recommendations, integrates with popular development tools, scans for security vulnerabilities, and offers cost optimization suggestions.

Amazon CodeGuru Use Cases

Amazon CodeGuru is utilized for automated code reviews, application performance optimization, real-time security analysis, and as an aid in codebase knowledge sharing.

Services Amazon CodeGuru integrates with

Amazon CodeGuru pricing models

Amazon CodeGuru's pricing models include a line-based pricing for CodeGuru Reviewer and a sampling-hour-based pricing for CodeGuru Profiler, with free tiers and trials available.