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Icon source: AWS

Amazon DevOps Guru

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is Amazon DevOps Guru

Amazon DevOps Guru is a machine learning-powered cloud service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that provides automated operational insights and recommendations to improve application performance and availability.

Key Amazon DevOps Guru Features

Amazon DevOps Guru automates operational issue detection and resolution through machine learning, integrates seamlessly with AWS services, offers cost and resource optimization recommendations, and requires minimal setup.

Amazon DevOps Guru Use Cases

Amazon DevOps Guru provides predictive analysis for system health, automated anomaly detection with resolution recommendations, cost optimization insights, performance enhancement suggestions, and streamlines incident management through its machine learning capabilities.

Services Amazon DevOps Guru integrates with

Amazon DevOps Guru pricing models

Amazon DevOps Guru uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model with volume-based discounts available for large data volumes.