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Icon source: AWS

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling is a service that automatically adjusts the number of Amazon EC2 instances in your deployment to maintain performance and minimize costs based on defined conditions such as traffic or resource utilization.

Key Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Features

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling dynamically adjusts the number of Amazon EC2 instances in your application to maintain performance and efficiently manage costs by automatically launching or terminating instances based on predefined policies, health status checks, and schedules.

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Use Cases

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling is used to ensure application availability and optimize resource utilization by automatically adjusting the number of EC2 instances in response to demand, for workloads ranging from dynamic web applications to batch processing and container management.

Services Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling integrates with

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling pricing models

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling is priced based on the underlying EC2 instances or other resources used, without additional charges specifically for the Auto Scaling service itself.