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Icon source: AWS

Amazon ECS Anywhere

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is Amazon ECS Anywhere

Amazon ECS Anywhere is a feature of Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) that allows you to run and manage containerized applications on-premises and in the cloud seamlessly, using the same ECS APIs and tooling.

Key Amazon ECS Anywhere Features

Amazon ECS Anywhere allows you to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications on any infrastructure using the same familiar Amazon ECS APIs and tooling.

Amazon ECS Anywhere Use Cases

Amazon ECS Anywhere allows organizations to run and manage containerized applications on their own infrastructure, enabling consistent, scalable, and secure deployment across any environment.

Services Amazon ECS Anywhere integrates with

Amazon ECS Anywhere pricing models

As of my last update in April 2023, Amazon ECS Anywhere pricing is based on the number of container instances (on-premises or self-managed infrastructure) registered to your Amazon ECS clusters, charged on a per-instance per-hour basis.