Arch_Amazon GameLift_64 image

Icon source: AWS

Amazon GameLift

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is Amazon GameLift

Amazon GameLift is a managed service for deploying, operating, and scaling dedicated server-based online games, providing game developers with the technology to host their multiplayer games on the cloud.

Key Amazon GameLift Features

Amazon GameLift offers managed infrastructure for multiplayer games, providing global reach, auto-scaling, custom matchmaking with FlexMatch, the ability to run custom server logic, real-time metrics for monitoring, and robust security and compliance, enabling developers to efficiently scale their games worldwide.

Amazon GameLift Use Cases

Amazon GameLift facilitates scalable, cross-platform multiplayer game hosting, with features for dynamic server management, custom matchmaking, real-time analytics, and the integration of custom server logic to enhance gaming experiences.

Services Amazon GameLift integrates with

Amazon GameLift pricing models

Amazon GameLift pricing models include On-demand Instances for flexible, pay-as-you-go pricing, Spot Instances for cost-effective, less predictable pricing, and Reserved Instances for discounted rates through upfront commitment.