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Icon source: AWS

Amazon GuardDuty

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is Amazon GuardDuty

Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that continuously monitors for malicious activity and unauthorized behavior to protect your AWS accounts and workloads.

Key Amazon GuardDuty Features

Amazon GuardDuty is a comprehensive, intelligent, and cost-effective threat detection service that seamlessly integrates with AWS services, provides automated response capabilities, and is easy to use and deploy without the need for additional hardware.

Amazon GuardDuty Use Cases

Amazon GuardDuty serves as a comprehensive security monitoring service for detecting unauthorized and malicious activity across AWS accounts, spotting compromised credentials, preventing malware infection and data exfiltration, and enabling automated security incident responses.

Services Amazon GuardDuty integrates with

Amazon GuardDuty pricing models

Amazon GuardDuty pricing operates on a volume-based model with reduced rates at higher data volumes, includes a free 30-day trial for new users, and varies by region.