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Icon source: AWS

Amazon Location Service

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is Amazon Location Service

Amazon Location Service is a cloud service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows developers to add location functionality to their applications, such as maps, points of interest, geocoding, routing, geofences, and tracking, while ensuring user data privacy and security.

Key Amazon Location Service Features

Amazon Location Service offers cost-effective, privacy-centric location data services, seamless integration with AWS, scalable and customizable geofencing capabilities, designed for flexibility and scalability in global application deployment.

Amazon Location Service Use Cases

Amazon Location Service enables real-time asset tracking, geofencing for alerts, enhances mobile applications with location-based services, facilitates map visualization and analysis for data-driven decisions, and supports disaster response management.

Services Amazon Location Service integrates with

Amazon Location Service pricing models

Amazon Location Service employs a pricing model primarily based on request volume, with varying rates for different services, and additional charges for data transfer beyond the free tier.