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Icon source: AWS

Amazon MemoryDB for Redis

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is Amazon MemoryDB for Redis

Amazon MemoryDB for Redis is a fully managed, in-memory database service that provides a highly available, scalable, and compatible layer for Redis, designed to deliver ultra-fast performance for data-intensive applications.

Key Amazon MemoryDB for Redis Features

Amazon MemoryDB for Redis offers a fully managed, highly available, and scalable Redis-compatible service with microsecond read latency, ensuring data durability, Multi-AZ replication, and seamless AWS integration.

Amazon MemoryDB for Redis Use Cases

Amazon MemoryDB for Redis is employed for real-time analytics, caching strategies to enhance web application performance, acting as a message broker for seamless inter-component communication, and managing leaderboards or counters in online platforms.

Services Amazon MemoryDB for Redis integrates with

Amazon MemoryDB for Redis pricing models

Amazon MemoryDB for Redis offers both On-Demand Instances and Reserved Instances, providing flexible pricing based on immediate needs or longer-term commitments for memory capacity.