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Icon source: AWS

Amazon Translate

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is Amazon Translate

Amazon Translate is a neural machine translation service that uses advanced machine learning techniques to provide fast, high-quality, and affordable language translation.

Key Amazon Translate Features

Amazon Translate offers real-time and batch translation across numerous languages with the ability to create custom terminologies, easy integration with AWS services, a simple API for developers, automatic language detection, and customizable settings for tailored translations.

Amazon Translate Use Cases

Amazon Translate serves a wide array of applications including e-commerce localization, real-time communication translation, multilingual content creation, legal and medical document translation, and educational material localization, significantly enhancing global communication and accessibility.

Services Amazon Translate integrates with

Amazon Translate pricing models

Amazon Translate follows a pricing model that includes a Free Tier offering for new users and a pay-as-you-go system based on the characters processed.