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Icon source: AWS

Amazon WorkSpaces

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is Amazon WorkSpaces

Amazon WorkSpaces is a managed, secure Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) solution that allows users to easily provision virtual, cloud-based desktops that enable them to access documents, applications, and resources from anywhere, on any device.

Key Amazon WorkSpaces Features

Amazon WorkSpaces offers secure, managed cloud desktops with pay-as-you-go pricing, accessible from any supported device, integrated with AWS security, and easy to manage.

Amazon WorkSpaces Use Cases

Amazon WorkSpaces enables remote work, secure access to information, scalable IT infrastructure, cost-efficient desktop management, and provision of isolated environments for development and testing.

Services Amazon WorkSpaces integrates with

Amazon WorkSpaces pricing models

Amazon WorkSpaces offers two pricing models: monthly, for unlimited use, and hourly, for occasional use.