Arch_AWS Audit Manager_64 image

Icon source: AWS

AWS Audit Manager

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is AWS Audit Manager

AWS Audit Manager is a cloud service provided by Amazon Web Services that helps users automate the process of auditing and compliance by continuously collecting evidence, thus enabling them to assess their AWS environment against industry standards and regulations.

Key AWS Audit Manager Features

AWS Audit Manager automates evidence collection, offers prebuilt and customizable compliance frameworks, continuously monitors for compliance, and generates audit-ready reports, simplifying compliance and audit processes.

AWS Audit Manager Use Cases

AWS Audit Manager streamlines and simplifies compliance audit processes, offers continuous compliance monitoring, allows for customizable compliance frameworks, and automates the creation of detailed audit reports, making it easier for organizations to maintain compliance with various standards and regulations.

Services AWS Audit Manager integrates with

AWS Audit Manager pricing models

AWS Audit Manager pricing follows a pay-as-you-go model for active assessments and incurs additional costs for data storage and usage of other AWS services.