Arch_AWS CloudHSM_64 image

Icon source: AWS


Cloud Provider: AWS

What is AWS CloudHSM

AWS CloudHSM is a cloud-based hardware security module service offered by Amazon Web Services that provides key storage and cryptographic operations within a tamper-resistant hardware appliance.

Key AWS CloudHSM Features

AWS CloudHSM offers secure and comprehensive key management, full user control, compliance with major standards, seamless integration with AWS services, high availability, and scalable infrastructure to meet cryptographic needs.

AWS CloudHSM Use Cases

AWS CloudHSM offers secure key management, enables digital signatures, supports blockchain and cryptocurrency applications, provides data encryption solutions, and helps achieve regulatory compliance, serving as a comprehensive tool for enhancing data security and integrity.

Services AWS CloudHSM integrates with

AWS CloudHSM pricing models

AWS CloudHSM pricing includes an hourly fee for each HSM instance, standard data transfer fees for egress, and no additional software fees.