Arch_AWS CloudShell_64 image

Icon source: AWS

AWS CloudShell

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is AWS CloudShell

AWS CloudShell is a browser-based shell that provides command-line access to AWS services, enabling users to manage and interact with AWS resources directly from their web browser without needing to install or configure CLI tools locally.

Key AWS CloudShell Features

AWS CloudShell provides a pre-installed AWS CLI environment accessible directly from your browser at no extra cost, including support for several programming languages, pre-installed tools, persistent storage, availability across multiple regions, and browser-based access for efficient AWS management and operations.

AWS CloudShell Use Cases

AWS CloudShell is utilized for executing AWS CLI commands, running scripts and automation, accessing AWS services with SDKs, and providing a platform for learning and experimenting with AWS, all directly from a browser.

Services AWS CloudShell integrates with

AWS CloudShell pricing models

AWS CloudShell is free to use with up to 1 GB of persistent storage, with fees applicable for additional storage as per standard S3 rates.