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Icon source: AWS

AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI)

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI)

The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) is a unified tool that allows you to manage and automate AWS services directly from the terminal or command prompt.

Key AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) Features

The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) facilitates multi-service control, script-based automation, consistent management across services, supports various output formats, integrates with AWS SDKs, is backed by extensive documentation, and is built for scalable service administration.

AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) Use Cases

AWS CLI use cases encompass automating backup and snapshot management, streamlining deployment processes, performing batch file operations on Amazon S3, managing AWS resources across multiple regions and accounts, and querying service information for reporting.

AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) pricing models

Using AWS CLI is free, but costs arise from the commands affecting AWS services and potential data transfer fees.