Arch_AWS Console Mobile Application_64 image

Icon source: AWS

AWS Console Mobile Application

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is AWS Console Mobile Application

The AWS Console Mobile Application is a mobile app developed by Amazon that allows users to manage their Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources, monitor their AWS services, and execute operational tasks directly from their mobile device.

Key AWS Console Mobile Application Features

The AWS Console Mobile Application offers customized dashboards, direct resource management, MFA security, on-the-go support access, and billing oversight, all designed to manage and monitor your AWS environment efficiently from anywhere.

AWS Console Mobile Application Use Cases

The AWS Console Mobile Application enables users to view resources status, receive notifications, manage EC2 instances, execute Lambda functions, and securely access AWS resources, facilitating flexible and immediate management of their cloud environment.

Services AWS Console Mobile Application integrates with

AWS Console Mobile Application pricing models

The AWS Console Mobile Application is free to download and use, with costs incurred based on the AWS services managed through the app, including a Free Tier, pay-as-you-go pricing, and options for Reserved Instances or Savings Plans for discounts.