Arch_AWS Control Tower_64 image

Icon source: AWS

AWS Control Tower

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is AWS Control Tower

AWS Control Tower is a cloud service that automatically sets up and governs a secure, multi-account AWS environment based on best practices established through AWS’s experience working with thousands of enterprises.

Key AWS Control Tower Features

AWS Control Tower simplifies the setup and governance of a secure, compliant, multi-account AWS environment with features like automated landing zone setup, centralized policy management, continuous compliance monitoring, an integrated Account Factory, customizable guardrails, and a centralized dashboard for insights.

AWS Control Tower Use Cases

AWS Control Tower use cases include automated multi-account setup, centralized policy management, streamlined compliance auditing, and simplified account provisioning and management, providing a comprehensive solution for managing governance, compliance, and operations across AWS accounts.

Services AWS Control Tower integrates with

AWS Control Tower pricing models

AWS Control Tower adopts a usage-based pricing model with no additional costs for the service itself, but charges apply for the use of AWS services configured by Control Tower, based on each service's consumption and pricing.