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Icon source: AWS

AWS Cost and Usage Report

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is AWS Cost and Usage Report

The AWS Cost and Usage Report is a detailed breakdown that delivers comprehensive data about your AWS costs and usage, enabling you to understand and manage your expenses effectively.

Key AWS Cost and Usage Report Features

The AWS Cost and Usage Report provides detailed information about your AWS usage and costs, breaking down data by service, usage type, and operation, and can be delivered to an Amazon S3 bucket of your choosing for comprehensive analysis.

AWS Cost and Usage Report Use Cases

AWS Cost and Usage Reports are used to analyze and understand your AWS spending and usage patterns over time to optimize costs and enforce good financial governance.

Services AWS Cost and Usage Report integrates with

AWS Cost and Usage Report pricing models

AWS Cost and Usage Report pricing is based on the amount of data scanned by Amazon Athena queries, if applicable, and storage costs for report data delivered to Amazon S3, without additional charges for report generation itself.