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Icon source: AWS

AWS Global Accelerator

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is AWS Global Accelerator

AWS Global Accelerator is a networking service that improves an application's availability and performance by directing traffic to optimal endpoints over the AWS global network.

Key AWS Global Accelerator Features

AWS Global Accelerator improves application performance by up to 60% through optimized paths, simplifies operational complexity by providing a single global entry point, enhances availability by routing to the nearest healthy end point, offers built-in DDoS protection, and aids in cost management by optimizing regional traffic serving.

AWS Global Accelerator Use Cases

AWS Global Accelerator use cases include improving global application performance, simplifying load balancing at scale, providing seamless IP address management, and enhancing application security and DDoS protection.

Services AWS Global Accelerator integrates with

AWS Global Accelerator pricing models

AWS Global Accelerator pricing consists of a fixed monthly fee per accelerator plus additional charges based on the amount of data transferred.