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Icon source: AWS

AWS Panorama

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is AWS Panorama

AWS Panorama is a machine learning appliance and SDK that allows organizations to add computer vision to existing on-premises cameras for tasks like analyzing traffic flow, monitoring manufacturing quality, and detecting unsafe behavior in real-time without requiring video data to be processed in the cloud.

Key AWS Panorama Features

AWS Panorama offers edge-based machine learning, compatibility with diverse devices, seamless AWS integration, enhanced data privacy, and scalable deployments for real-time data processing and analysis.

AWS Panorama Use Cases

AWS Panorama is used for retail shelf analytics, manufacturing quality control, workplace safety monitoring, traffic flow optimization, and customer experience enhancement, leveraging video analysis to improve efficiency, safety, and customer satisfaction.

Services AWS Panorama integrates with

AWS Panorama pricing models

AWS Panorama employs a pay-as-you-go model for compute hours and hourly rates for camera usage, with costs also influenced by the chosen AWS Support plan.