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Icon source: AWS

AWS Private Certificate Authority

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is AWS Private Certificate Authority

AWS Private Certificate Authority (AWS PCA) is a managed private CA service that allows organizations to easily and securely manage the lifecycle of their private certificates without the upfront investment and ongoing maintenance costs of operating their own certificate authority.

Key AWS Private Certificate Authority Features

AWS Private Certificate Authority provides a scalable, secure, and centralized way to manage your certificates, featuring seamless AWS service integration, automated certificate issuance, customizable certificate templates, and a cost-effective pricing model.

AWS Private Certificate Authority Use Cases

AWS Private Certificate Authority is used for securing internal communications, authenticating devices and users, and signing code within organizations, ensuring encrypted transmissions, trusted device connections, secure access, and software integrity.

AWS Private Certificate Authority pricing models

AWS Private Certificate Authority pricing includes a monthly fee for each active CA and additional charges per issued certificate, with costs varying by certificate type and volume discounts applied.