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Icon source: AWS

AWS Security Hub

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is AWS Security Hub

AWS Security Hub is a cloud security management service that aggregates, organizes, and prioritizes security alerts or findings from multiple AWS services and AWS Partner Network (APN) security solutions, providing a comprehensive view of security and compliance across an AWS environment.

Key AWS Security Hub Features

AWS Security Hub provides centralized security management, automated compliance checks, integration of findings from various sources, customization of insights and actions, continuous security checks, and seamless integration with AWS services for an enhanced security and compliance posture in the AWS cloud.

AWS Security Hub Use Cases

AWS Security Hub serves as a comprehensive security management tool, centralizing security monitoring, automating compliance checks, integrating security findings, and providing customizable insights for enhanced visibility and control over AWS environments.

Services AWS Security Hub integrates with

AWS Security Hub pricing models

AWS Security Hub pricing is based on a Pay-Per-Result model, complemented by a Free Tier offering for initial, limited usage.