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Icon source: AWS

AWS Support

Cloud Provider: AWS

What is AWS Support

AWS Support is a collection of one-on-one, fast-response support channels from Amazon Web Services, helping users troubleshoot issues, optimize performance, and effectively utilize AWS products and services.

Key AWS Support Features

AWS Support offers 24/7 access to technical guidance and support from Cloud Support Engineers, proactive tools for optimization, customizable case management, secure IAM access, a support API for automation, and a variety of support plans to meet different organizational requirements.

AWS Support Use Cases

AWS Support offers comprehensive assistance ranging from migration, cost optimization, security guidance, performance tuning, to troubleshooting and technical support, aimed at enhancing users' AWS experience.

Services AWS Support integrates with

AWS Support pricing models

AWS Support offers four pricing models: Basic (free), Developer (starting at $29/month or 3% of AWS usage), Business (starting at $100/month or a sliding scale), and Enterprise (starting at $15,000/month or a percentage of AWS usage).